Welcome to the pre-order offer for DARKDAWN, droogs! Hope you’re excited! Enough! For! Multiple! Exclamation! Points!
Please read the directions and FAQ below carefully. It should answer all your questions. As always, if you ask me a question I’ve already answered, you owe me a goddamn pony.
So, to be eligible, here’s what you need to do:
- Pre-order DARKDAWN from anywhere. Yes, anywhere.
- Email your proof of purchase to the following address: DarkdawnPreorder@gmail.com.
- Please use the subject header “DARKDAWN pre-order offer”
- Profit!
Right, so what do we get for our pre-order, Kristoff?
You get a deleted chapter from DARKDAWN called “Three”.
Why should we care? What’s this deleted chapter about?
Revealing much about it gets into spoiler territory quickly. But the chapter features a much-requested moment between three central DARKDAWN characters that, for story reasons, never made it to the final book.
*heavy breathing* . . . Do their names start with M, A and T?!?
Spoilers, sweetie.
But wait . . . it’s called “Three”?
Yeah. Do you see what I did there.
Jay, this scene sounds suspiciously like it might be smut.
That’s not a question.
Use your words.
When does the offer close?
September 1, 2019.
When will we receive our goodies?
The day of DARKDAWN publication. September 3, 2019. THREE will be sent to the email address you entered the offer with.
So it’s a PDF, not a physical booklet?
It’s a PDF. So I imagine it’ll be up for download on pirate sites within about 30 seconds. Yay internet.
Omg, please tell me this offer is open internationally, you black-hearted sonofabitch?
Yes. It’s 100% open internationally.
Is this the same deleted scene that the various book subscription boxes are offering?
Yes. So even if you can’t afford/don’t want a subscription box, or the box you’ve ordered isn’t offering THREE, you can still get it by following the instructions above. See how much I love and appreciate you?
And we can really pre-order DD from anywhere and be eligible?
Yes. Just email your scanned receipt to the address above.
Book Depository? Amazon?
That dodgy guy who sells books off the back of a Buick downtown? The little bookstore on the corner of my quaint European village? The undead bookomancer who haunts the crossroads at midnight and trafficks exclusively in human souls?
Fuck, that’s so metal. And yes.
Will I receive some kind of confirmation email?
No, you’ll have to trust the internet gods. It’ll be fine.
If I preordered aaaaages ago because you are my moon, my sun, my starlit sky, should I cancel and re-order?
Nope. Unless you didn’t keep your proof of purchase and need a new one, that is. And thanks for pre-ordering early!
When you say ‘proof of purchase’ . . . is a screenshot okay?
Indeed. It’s not like we’re demanding sworn affidavits or anything. So if you wanna get really creative in photoshop and doctor yourself one, A+ for effort, I guess?
And all pre-ordered US editions are still going to be signed?
Yes. All pre-orders of the US edition of DD will be signed. I just finished signing 20,000 fucking tip-in sheets. ?
*best Han Solo voice* I know.
Even though Amazon canceled my order, I just wanna ask (in case I end up ordering again), is a screenshot of a pre-order email a valid proof of pre-order?
Does it count for audiobook preorder too?
You’re the fucking best! I even enjoy reading your faqs ?
I have never pre-ordered anything,ever….. this is no longer the case. ?
Going to go camp out in front of my mailbox everyday for the next 2 months and possibly start stalking my mail lady. (<—-Pretty much the reason why I never pre-ordered anything)
So I’m in the process of sending my email, and I’m two seconds away from having the body of the email say: “Attached below is proof of me selling my soul for a copy of Darkdawn. Jay, you glorious bastard, I am ready to have my heart ripped out.”
What are the chances I will horribly offend someone?
Zero 🙂
The FAQ just made my whole day! Thank you! I can’t wait to read this book!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for loving us so much! I don’t know what we did to deserve you!!!! (Though I suppose I will feel differently after reading DD)
The scene won’t be considered canon then?
Nope. You’ll see why once you read it.
Mr.Kristoff, sir, there are two pricetags for Darkdawn on Book Depository with no covers posted. Is there a reason why one hardback is priced higher than the other?
No idea, sorry 🙁
There’s only one other book im more pumped for and it has vampire smut ?
I thought it was 22,000 tip in sheets. *raises one eyebrow suspiciously* Are you lying to us??? (But seriously, thank you for signing, like, anything we put in front of you. It really does mean the world to us book nerds.)
Will there be any spoilers in the deleted scenes from Darkdawn? Can I read the deleted scenes before I read Darkdawn?
No. The scene is a MASSIVE spoiler. Don’t touch it til you’ve read DD.
I didn’t even know what this was but reading the answers to the FAQs makes me want to.
You’ve probably already answered this, but I’m still a little confused… Is this offer only for the US/hardback edition? Or is it valid for the UK/paperback too?
And thank you!
Format and country doesn’t matter 🙂
I preordered this almost one year ago (July 10/19) and could not be happier to hear this. FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Hello! I’m super excited for this book!!!!!! But I can’t find the any US editions in paperback shipping to Sweden???!?! I have the rest of the series in paperback and would preferably have them all in paperback. Any suggestions where I can find US paperback?
The paperback is Australia only atm. New releases in US/UK are hardbacks.
Hi, can the proof be in another language? Like if I preorder DD in a french store and the receipt is in french it still stands right? (I hope I don’t owe you a poney)
Yep, no problem.
No problem!
I preorderd DD ages ago but have a order confirmation. Can I send it in even if it is in German? Does this count too?
Yep, no problem.
I just literally laughed out loud at work reading the FAQ. Thank you for being so amazing. You bring joy to my life!
And here I have to wait for the polish release…
Does this have a deadline?
thanks for hooking this up for all of us! whatta champ. i work in a bookshop and have no physical receipt for it, but i snapped and sent a photo of the order card i wrote back in february, hope that’s ok! thanks again for this and for all the other work you do too
Hi!!! This may be a little too late, but will reading “Three” spoil anything in the main series? I just want to know whether to read it before or after DD.
Just downloaded the audiobook because shipping from UK and USA (I ordered 2 signed books woohooo) is still taking it´s time.
Hi Jay!
I sent an e-mail with my proof of purchase, and I didn’t get an e-mail with The Three. What do I do/who should I contact? Thank you!
Shoot me an email via contacts page ?
How did I not know about this until 4 days after the deadline when I pre-ordered the box on May 14th, I’m devastated?
I don’t know if these comments are still being read. I don’t know what i did wrong the first time but I guess my preorder email didn’t go through. I send another screen shot with my Amazon preorder showing the date which was August something but I sent it after Sep 1st. Is there any way i can get the bonus chapter? If not I guess I’ll have to figure out how to use these “pirate sites” you speak of. PS. I have purchased both 1&2 for a friend, got her to order #3 and I will be buying #1 and 2 AGAIN in hardback. I mean, come on dude.
Sure, just shoot me an email via my contacts page ?
Hey, so, I pre-ordered on Audible as soon as I possibly could and didn’t see this until now. I see it has a deadline of 9/1. So I’m going to pirate it and risk the virus and I just wanted you to know I love you.
lol, no worries. Thanks for the pre-order 😀
Firstly, thank you! Nevernight has been the most incredible series and world to experience: Mia, Tric and Ash all stole my heart (and tore it apart
and put it back together again!). I pre-ordered Darkdawn on 1st July but missed the deadline to apply for the pre-order deleted chapter and I’m devastated! (I only sent through proof on September 15th!) Is there any way I can still be sent the PDF? Thank you again, Prudie
Sure, just shoot me an email ?
I preordered Darkdawn a while ago and I sent the email but it didn’t go through until now, can I still get the preorder offer if I preordered and had the proof before the deadline?
Sure, just shoot me an email ?
Is there any way to get Three after the deadline? If not please tell me. Thank you.
Sure, just shoot me an email ?
Anyone else follow the instructions and not get Three?
Hey, I sent in my preorder confirmation to DarkdawnPreorder@gmail.com on the 2nd of July, but have not yet received the pdf. Any chance I can still be sent it?
Sure, just shoot through an email to my address ?
Can I still buy this even though the offer is closed? I didn’t know about this and I’d really love it! I also pre-ordered from Amazon but didn’t realize that this was available too. I’m really sad that I missed this chance, so I’m wondering if I could still buy this…?
Sure, just shoot through an email ?
Hi. Is there no way for us to get the deleted chapter if you have not pre-ordered the book? I bought the trilogy books for my kindle already though. ?
Sure, just shoot through an email ?
I didn’t know about this until recently and I sadly did not preorder. Is there anyway to get it for those of us dumb enough to not preorder? ? I would be more than happy to pay for it. Just finished DD and am deep in book hangover.
Sure, just shoot through an email ?
Cause I’m late on this and not the fastest reader. But I had preordered Darkdawn, (I just need to find the receipt order for it.) But am I still able to redeem this offer when I find the receipt and email the address?
Sure, just shoot through an email 🙂
Sure, just shoot me an email via the addy on the contacts page ?