Hello all,
Happy NY and all that jazz. I’ve been slacker than a slacker’s slack bits about blogging lately, but I’m going to try to be a little better this year, I do solemnly swear. In the meantime, here’s some photos from the ENDSINGER launch party.
I held it in conjunction with Amie Kaufman and the launch of her new book THIS SHATTERED WORLD (co-written with the awesome Meg Spooner). In case you didn’t know, Amie and I have written a sci fi series together, the first book of which comes out this August, and it’s gonna knock you out of your shoes.
Meantime, pics! Much love the wonderful and talented AmberLousie Hart for shooting for us! And thanks to everyone who came along and made it such and awesome night!

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The goods

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The guilty parties

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Useful for door-stopping, hurling at rowdy children, lighting fires on cold winter nights.

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More peoples 🙂

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To the wrong place, you may have come, perhaps

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Teh lewts

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More speeching

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Books and booze. WINNNNNNING

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The pretty

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That’s quite a line 😛

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Um, how do you spell Jay again . . .

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Still waaaaaaiting….

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Shameless plug for the awesome folks at Dymocks. Thanks for having us!

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I apparently said something funny here. Someone call Guinness.

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You know what they about guys with big books…

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Me and the lady who makes it possible


3 Responses to “ENDSINGER Launch”

  1. Looks amazing Mr. Kristoff! I am so very happy for you all in this and your upcoming endeavors. Mostly for me as it means I get more books to read. Awesome books.
    Seriously thanks and I look forward to Illuminae.

  2. BarakiEl says:

    lol @ the twilight book…
    Lovely pictures. Honestly, all I really saw was the little pony t-shirt 😀

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