
The New Thing
Super exciting news, droogs! Folks who follow me on insta and twitter will know I’ve been hinting at a new . . . (Read More)

UK DARKDAWN cover and other Stuff
Droogs! Five things! 1. We have an official cover for DARKDAWN in the UK and Aus/NZ, once again created by . . . (Read More)

AURORA RISING cover reveaaaaal!
Hello droogs!Today’s the big day for the AURORA RISING cover reveal! We won’t waste much of your time, since we’re . . . (Read More)

DEV1AT3 cover!
Very chuffed to reveal the cover for the US editions of DEV1AT3! It is pink and it is glorious. The . . . (Read More)

It’s got a title, droogs! Cover reveal sooooooooon. Some jacket is below, please not, this contains some huge spoilers for . . . (Read More)

Droogs! My partner in crime Amie and I can finally reveal the title of our new sci-fi collaboration! We’ve been . . . (Read More)

Hello droogs, Some of you have noticed some confusion about the release date for DARKDAWN in the last couple of . . . (Read More)

LIFEL1K3 pre-order offerrr!
Hello droogs! The LIFEL1K# pre-order is now live for folks in the US! To get your sticky booky hands on . . . (Read More)