Hello droogs!
Aurora Burning, the sequel to Aurora Rising is out on May 5, 2020. A lot of you have been asking about pre-order incentives and offers, so here is the definitive list – everything you need to know about preorder offers, signed copies and special editions.
Okay, what’s on offer where I live?
Glad you asked! Here’s the list of all AB preorders offers that are running around the world. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact the publisher in your country.
In the USA:

· You can lodge your proof of purchase and score a shiny, holographic sticker sheet featuring all the characters from Aurora Burning, plus stream badges and more. Perfect for your laptop, water bottle, journal or spaceship. Please see the FAQs below for more details.
· You can purchase a signed hardcover with or without a themed book box from Good Choice Reading.
· You can attend a tour stop (coming soon!) and meet Amie and Jay and get your books signed.
· You can buy a signed book from a tour bookstore (tour details coming soon!) and they’ll ship it.
In the UK:

· You can buy an Illumicrate special edition of Aurora Burning – it’s autographed, has an exclusive blue wash cover, and blue sprayed edges.
· You can buy a Forbidden Planet special edition of Aurora Burning – it’s autographed, and has an exclusive yellow wash cover.
· The Goldsborough Books edition of Aurora Burning is currently sold out.
In Australia:

· Buy Aurora Burning from Dymocks and get an exclusive Aurora Academy patch—this is available in-store only, not online.
· Buy Aurora Burning from QBD, and get an exclusive Aurora Academy phone grip—this is available in-store only, not online.
· There are plans afoot to make signed editions available. Amie and Jay will announce via social media when these are confirmed, and this page will be updated.
· It is possible Australian signings will take place. Amie and Jay will announce them via social media if they are confirmed, and this page will be updated.
· Good choice Reading, Illumicrate and Forbidden Planet ship internationally, as do several tour stop bookstores.
USA Preorder FAQs:
What’s with the blanked out character on the sticker sheet?
You’ll meet them soon enough . . . for now, we’re keeping them a secret. They’ll be there on the sheet when it arrives, though.
Do I need to claim the preorder offer if I buy from Good Choice Reading?
No, your sticker sheet will automatically be included.
How do I claim the preorder offer otherwise?
If you preorder a US edition of the book and provide a US mailing address (a friend’s is fine) then you can claim an exclusive sticker sheet featuring the squad and their badges. See below for FAQs on the preorder, and lodge your claim HERE.
Do I need to purchase the U.S. Edition of the book to participate?
Yes, you can purchase the U.S. hardcover, ebook, or audiobook to participate in this bonus offering. You can select the retailer of your choice here.
Is Puerto Rico eligible to participate?
Yes! Please remember to include your phone number on the form.
What about Canada?
Sorry, Cadet, that’s a different country. If you use an address in the US, you’re fine, though.
If I am waiting to purchase Aurora Burning because I plan to attend one of Jay and Amie’s tour events, can I still get the sticker sheet?
Yes! If you buy a book and lodge your proof of purchase by May 17th you’re good to go.
Will I get a confirmation email when I upload my receipt?
You won’t get an email, but there will be a confirmation message that appears on screen after you hit submit.
How long after May 17th can I expect to receive my sticker sheet?
Please allow about six weeks.
If I purchase more than one book can I receive more than one sticker sheet?
Yes! It is one sticker sheer per one copy purchased. You may be required to provide additional information if there is a question about your submission.
What if I have a question about my entry or eligibility?
No problem! You can email Get Underlined at
Are there Official Terms for the preorder:
Here they are:
Enter the Transaction or Purchase Order Number from your order receipt for the US edition of AURORA BURNING by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff in the Transaction Number or Order Number box to participate in this bonus offering, while supplies last. Must be 13 years of age or older at the time of entry. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. No groups, club, or organizations may participate. Limited to one request per purchased book. Incomplete forms will not be eligible. Multiple entries from the same email or IP address may be disqualified if Sponsor determines that the entries are fraudulent. US mailing address required. Please allow 4-6 weeks for one (1) collectible sticker sheet to arrive by mail. Offer valid between March 10, 2020 and May 17, 2020.
i read it and am wondering for the U.S that where do we have to lodge our proof of purchase to score the sticker sheet?