UK DARKDAWN cover and other Stuff
Droogs! Five things!
1. We have an official cover for DARKDAWN in the UK and Aus/NZ, once again created by the mighty Kerby Rosanes and his Black Pen of Doom(tm). BEHOLD THE AWESOME:

2. The awesome folks at Waterstones are once again offering an exclusive edition of DARKDAWN with black sprayed edges. These black-edged versions will all be signed by yours truly. Once again, they’re going to be in strictly limited quantities, and as of our announcement about them yesterday, they’ve already sold 75% of their planned stock. So get onnnnn it.
Please note there are two editions listed on the Waterstones site. If you want the black-edged version, you’ll find it here.

3. Yes, Goldsboro book are also going to be releasing a signed and numbered special edition of DARKDAWN like they did with NEVERNIGHT and GODSGRAVE. I can confirm it will be different to the Waterstones edition, but can’t give you more details than that yet, other than that it’s going to be FUCKING AWESOME.
I don’t know if it’s Goldsboro’s intent to contact the previous purchasers of the NN and GG editions to give them option of first purchase – I presume so, but again, this isn’t confirmed yet.
Please be patient, as soon as the deets are confirmed, I’ll will let you know. Trust me, I know how much you want this edition, I get it, I do.
4. In regards to other special editions, I can definitely say Australia will not have any. Such is life, my fellow Aussie droogs, I feel your pain 🙁
I cannot yet confirm there will be a US special edition of DARKDAWN – I wouldn’t count on it, but it’s a little up in the air. However, I can confirm all US First editions will be signed by yours truly, same as NN and GG.
5. Yes, I and the folks at Harper Voyager UK are aware people are really desperate to get their hands on the UK hardback version of NEVERNIGHT, and that a secondary market has sprung up selling hardbacks at pants-on-head stupid prices:

Now, it’s great that people are still discovering the series and its popularity is still growing and that the hardback is becoming a coveted commodity – this is the kind of thing authors dream about, to be honest. So thank you thank you thank you to all you stabbykids out there pimping the series!
But it’s one thing for a collector who wants a first edition to pay a steep price for it, and it’s another thing entirely for someone who just wants the books on their shelves to match having to fork out upwards of a grand for the privilege.
NN has moved out of hardback format and into paperback – this is the life cycle of all books. But, me and the Voyager team are aware of the issue and looking for a way to solve it. Please stay tuned, we hear you, we’re working on it.
And that’s it!
For everyone who’s pre-ordered already, for everyone spreading the cover love or just spreading the word about this series, thank you thank you thank you! <3
Just noticed you put Gandolfini into Illuminae.
I’ve (unfortunately) dealt with this bookseller before. One, this is crazy pants. They specialize in crazy pants (see: used textbooks listed over $1000). Two, despite what they posted, there’s a high likelihood it’s actually the US hardcover. Lesson: AVOID THE CRAZY PANTS.
These occasionally show up on eBay at reasonable i.e. decidedly non-WTAF non-crazy pants prices. Diligence is required, but rapturously rewarded.
No Aussie editions? BOOO
Why is the world so cruel?
Also, the cover is AMAZING
Just want to say I fucking love you for working on the NN hardcovers. Even if it doesn’t work out, I always appreciate you caring about us little minions who want to hoarde all your books. ?
I’m two thirds of the way through Nevernight, and I decided to google you. Happy I stumbled across your blog, as I am now the proud owner of a signed edition of Darkdawn (well, a pre-order, at least). I love your writing, and I’m look forward to seeing what you do in the future ?
I’ve been trying to get my hands on uk hardbacks of both NN AND GG but no luck and sorry I will not be a crazy and pay more than normal prices lol hopefully soon.
Then there is me still trying to find a UK hardback of nevernight and godsgrave in 2022 after finding and purchasing darkdawn in a little bookshop =( I just really want the covers to match and I really want to start reading the books it taunts me every time I grab a book off my shelf. The cover is absolutely beautiful I never buy books midway through a series but I could not leave without buying it. I had no idea it would be so hard to get my hands on the 1st and 2nd in the same format I thought I could just buy them off of eBay.