A special Thing
Sep 12, 2016 Randomness Comment

Like roses in his hands
So, every so often, you get to live a moment in your life, and even as it’s happening, you know it’s a moment you’re going to remember for the rest of your life. This happened to me and my partner in crime Amie K on Saturday night, when we were treated to a musical interpretation of ILLUMINAE at the Brisbane Writer’s Festival.
The production was put together by the awesome team at Argo Sound, the composers were two awesomely talented guys named Connor D’Netto and Ben Haim. The musical piece encompasses a few key moments in the book – AIDAN awakening, Ezra and Kady talking about their first kiss, the black box recordings, Ezra’s space fight sequence.
I say this a lot, but whether it be illustrations or paintings or word art or poetry or whatever, the single most amazing part of this amazing job of mine is seeing people take the art I’ve created and making art of their own with it. And the art these guys treated us to on Saturday night was truly special. The whole time I was sitting there, as twilight rolled across the river and we listened to our book coming to life in a medium we never imagined, the question “Wow, is this actually happening?” was rolling through my mind.
If you’d like to listen to it, there’s a pretty good quality stream of the feed on Argo’s facebook page. Nothing captures the moment like being there, but it’ll give you some idea of the amazing work Ben, Connor and their incredibly talented team of musicians and voice over artists put into this thing.
To all the folks at Argo, to the Brisbane Writer’s Festival, Brisbane Music Festival, State library of Queensland and University of Queensland School of Music, thank you.
Thank for taking our art and making something amazing.
Thank you for a night we will NEVER forget.